Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Party Sentinels

One was purple. Another orange. And teal. Rose too. And a yellow one. Also sky blue. And last, but not least, green. 
7 helium-filled balloons hugging the ceiling in the birthday girl’s apartment. It was as if they were bidding us welcome to the festivities - with ribbons dangling just out of reach of all in attendance. They hovered, quietly. Was YELLOW listening in on the conversations between old friends or maybe wondering how the new guests would fit into the group? Was GREEN   drawn to the array of cheeses, crackers, meatballs and vegetable trays covering the sculptured wooden table. I could have sworn it had inched it's way from the center of the room closer to the buffet as the goodies began to disappear.

Guests left, one by one, until the host and her old friends remained, cleaning up, nibbling on the leftovers, enjoying a last glass of wine reminiscing on the evenings’ conversations, gifts received and well wishes. 

Lights off. Tucked in bed. Quiet returns. Forced air gently wafts along the walls and around corners. Ribbons flutter as if trying to wake the sleeping latex orbs from their slumber. 

Rousted by the smell of morning coffee, we emerge from our walled cocoon to greet the day and a good friend. Only to be welcomed first by GREEN bobbing waist high outside our door. After returning the greeting we ambled our way to the kitchen for our caffeine fix. 

It was then we realized that the balloons were no longer symmetrically positioned on the ceiling. Five remained, somewhat scattered about - PURPLE, ORANGE, SKY BLUE, YELLOW, TEAL - as if directing the movements of those that had fallen. Or perhaps reluctant to mix with the ex-party goers randomly traveling below. 

ROSE, tired from it’s lofty vigil, was resting on the cool white cushion at the arm of the sofa. Only our host was willing to share the space. ROSE did not shy away but sat unmoved. Riveted by our dialogue? Rapt with the morning talk shows on the TV? Perhaps just a party survivor with a hangover. 

The sun arced across the sky and night fell without anyone there to monitor their movements, to catch them leaving the comfort of their scenic layer of warmth. No one to consider the disappointment of those still caressing the ceiling, towards their companions either no longer able to match their will power or flawed by their makers’ haste in providing them with sufficient fuel to function.

The party people returned to their home as the day was coming to a close. The door is unlatched and pushed inward. The entry light switch is toggled up just in time to see GREEN backing away from the swoosh of the entry. Welcoming us back like we had been missed. We laughed not ready to believe latex is capable of feeling loss. Or could it? 

Also imagine our surprise to see ORANGE pressed between the window pane and the Christmas cactus. Did it decide to descend to catch a glimpse of the sun setting over the mountains?

We looked upward and only YELLOW and SKY BLUE remained at their lofty perch. It appeared that they had yet to move one inch. 

PURPLE and TEAL had decided to join us. Tired from their party responsibilities? In defiance of the guarantee provided by their maker? Were they looking for GREEN, ROSE and ORANGE? Had they missed them? Had they grown tired of the resolve of YELLOW and BLUE SKY to remain at their post?

We saw PURPLE first. It was not hard to miss in the middle of the great room. I think it liked how it’’s color paired with the lush tan carpet. Like a chenin blanc and jarlsberg wedge. 

It took us awhile to find TEAL. It was cowering under the table in the corner. Silent, motionless hoping to avoid detection. From us? From its’ fellow bladders? 

Our rainbow of friends settled in over and around us as we went about our daily activities. Some were satisfied with where they were. ORANGE loved the sunsets and TEAL felt comfort in its’ cave. GREEN seemed to follow us around  like a new puppy. After awhile we didn't give it a second thought. 

ROSE and PURPLE bonded and remained close until PURPLE woke to ROSE in a rubbery puddle half under the couch. With great sadness, PURPLE followed within hours. 

ORANGE dropped below the window’s edge as if bored with the twilight. Nuzzling with the cactus seemed like a good idea until a thorny finger penetrated it’s skin and it slowly flowed into and clung to its’ branches. 

TEAL gave in to loneliness and wasted away in the shadows until we gathered it up and solemnly bade it adieu in the bladder boot hill. 

GREEN, with the longest life span at the lower level succumbed later that day below the kitchen counter as if in a last digit effort to get fed and stay afloat. 

Still YELLOW and BLUE SKY remained steadfast mourning their fellow frippery. Did they have an awareness of their imminent  descent and deflation? Did YELLOW believe  like the sun that it would remain overhead for eons? Did SKY BLUE believe it was meant to accompany YELLOW for eternity? 

With some sadness we said good bye to our friend. And also with a reverential glance at the remaining party patrol. 

PS - Apparently ORANGE doesn't like it's picture taken.