Losing a credit card leaves one with an empty feeling in the pit of the stomach. Unfortunately, I have gone through this time consuming and stressful experience. And then, recently, my wife was having dinner with a friend and left her credit card at the restaurant. Luckily, she quickly realized it and called the manager, who told her that her card would be kept in their safe until she was able to reclaim it. Whew! Disaster averted.
Spiderman and Ball Boy happened to be with us when we stopped at the restaurant to pick up our credit card. Superman asked why and Nana explained that she had forgotten the credit card when she left the restaurant. He thought about it for a second and said very matter-of-factly, “well, you just have to un-forget it, Nana!” He wasn’t judging. He was simply stating the obvious: Remember your credit card, Nana.
A life lesson from a 5 year old.
Un-forgetting is really another way of saying - remembering. But I really like “un-forgetting” better. It’s like erasing the original act of forgetting. Not that that can actually be done. As we get older the likelihood of forgetting something on any given day has better odds than the next Pope being Catholic.
But it’s Christmas and thanks to Spiderman’s wisdom and the true meaning of Christmas, it’s time to:
- un-forget keeping others foremost in my thoughts and being less selfish.
- un-forget the half full glass rather than the half empty one.
- un-forget to smile more.
- un-forget to be more patient.
- un-forget to be a less aggressive driver (cheers from Nana!).
- un-forget that I have been blessed with this life for which I am very grateful.
Our unforgettable grandchildren - Love Monster, Smirker, Spiderman and Ball Boy - help me realize that every day.
Merry Christmas to all!
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